October 2022
Constructions of loadout, plate freezers, chillers and ASRS nearing completion.

May 2022
Significant progress continues including unerground utilities and administration wing framework complete.

February 2022
Framework of primary structure complete and significant concreting under way.

September 2021
Construction of Thomas Foods International’s new meat processing plant in South Australia has reached a new milestone. The first above-ground building works have begun with a centrepiece of the new flagship facility starting to take shape.

August 2021
The re-build project moving from initial earthworks to ‘full blown’ construction.

May 2021
Work on the new Thomas Foods Murray Bridge plant is now well underway. The once-empty paddock located 10km outside of the town centre is undergoing a major transformation to what will become the new flagship facility of Australia’s largest 100% family owned meat processing company.

December 16, 2020
Official ground-breaking ceremony held to signal start of construction of new plant.

November 13, 2020
TFI appoints BADGE as the principal contractor to undertake the design and construction of Stage One.

July, 2020
Work begins on a public link road to the site under a Federal and State Government-funded infrastructure program.

June 19, 2020
Council planning approval received for the new plant.

February, 2019
Demolition work of damaged plant buildings completed at Murray Bridge site.

June 6, 2019
TFI unveils plans for a new state-of-the-art meat processing facility to be built on a greenfield site at Murray Bridge.

June, 2018
Demolition work of damaged plant buildings begins at Murray Bridge site.

April 6, 2018
TFI hosts site visit and briefing with the Premier of South Australia Steven Marshall.

March 5, 2018
New TFI Murray Bridge Office opened as central point of contact for employees, suppliers and the broader community.

February 7, 2018
Deal struck with the O’Connor family for TFI to process beef at the family’s plant in Pakenham, Victoria.

January 24, 2018
Murray Bridge staff redeployed to Lobethal site and new positions created at Tamworth with production ramped up at both plants.

January 12, 2018
Community day barbecue held at Sturt Reserve for Murray Bridge staff.

January 4, 2018
TFI CEO Darren Thomas makes a commitment to rebuild and be back “bigger, better, stronger”.

January 3, 2018
Fire engulfs TFI’s Murray Bridge facility. All staff safely evacuated without injury.